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We are studying the gospel of John at both 9:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., wanting to "spend time with Jesus" and planning to "fall in love with Jesus" again! Won't you join us in person
or perhaps online? Our study of Revelation
will end soon on Sunday evening.
New study on Wednesday evening: Nehemiah.

Plan a Visit
We'd be happy to make sure you're comfortable and well-informed before your first time here.
We're glad you are (almost) here!
We hope you will join us soon. We regularly meet for worship and Bible classes on Sundays and Wednesdays. We have classes available for every age.
9:45am Bible classes
10:45am Morning worship
6:00pm Evening worship
6:30 pm Bible classes (meal served at 5:45 pm)
Our building is located at 306 E Franklin Street which is right across the street from Claiborne Electric.
If you are considering visiting, we hope you fill out the form below!
Why do all this?
This allows us to know that you are coming and can let our greeters know your name so they can personally welcome you and assist you as needed!
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