We are studying the gospel of John at both 9:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., wanting to "spend time with Jesus" and planning to "fall in love with Jesus" again! Won't you join us in person
or perhaps online? Our study of Revelation
will end soon on Sunday evening.
New study on Wednesday evening: Nehemiah.

Below you will find pictures of our church building (inside and out) and a few pictures of our members! We are a loving congregation and would love to have you visit some Sunday!

This is our "training" or "cry" room located to the left when you walk into the foyer. It has a changing pad, a chair, a bathroom, and a pew with a viewing window. This is available to any parents who need to change, nurse or just need a separate place to sit with their child. The clear viewing window allows you to still be apart of the service!

Fellowship Hall
