We are studying the gospel of John at both 9:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., wanting to "spend time with Jesus" and planning to "fall in love with Jesus" again! Won't you join us
in person or perhaps online? We're looking at the
epistles of John at 6:00 p.m. each Sunday evening.
Have a question? Check out some of our frequently asked questions.
Q: I notice your church is a "Church of Christ", what does that mean?
A: This term carries with it several important meanings, but at the heart of it, we are part of a restoration movement of Christians who believe in only using the Bible as our source of teaching and practice; the unity of Christians can best be found by laying aside what we prefer for what is taught and seen in Scripture.
Although all Churches of Christ strive for this, each congregation is autonomous. There is no national council or creed that governs us, nor are we a part of a denomination, but instead we are led by congregational elders who spiritually guide us. So, if you have worshiped with another group of believers who use “Church of Christ” in their name, we may or may not be exactly like them in all our teaching or practices, but we both hold to the belief that the authority and unity of Christ for all Christians is found in Scripture.
Q: When I come, where do my kids go?
A: We value being able to teach children about Jesus alongside their peers and friends as well as seeing the importance of parents and kids expressing their faith together. During our worship services, everyone is together in our auditorium. To assist young families, we have a training room in the back of the auditorium and a staffed nursery for children three and under. We have Bible classes for each age group or grade.
Q: What should I expect on a typical Sunday?
A: It’s our goal for you to experience a welcoming place to worship God and be encouraged while you’re here. Each week you can expect us to pray, sing, take communion, give, share good news, and hear a message from the Bible. Our worship service lasts about an hour on Sunday mornings.
Q: I'm new; what is “the Lord’s Supper”?
A: Within Scripture, we see that the purpose of the Lord's Supper (also known as communion) is for Christians to remember Jesus’ life and sacrifice and the salvation we have in Him. It is also a time of fellowship for those who are in a covenant relationship with Christ, as we take the bread and cup in anticipation of the return of Christ.
Q: You don't have any instruments during the singing; what's that about?
A: As previously stated, we strive, although imperfectly at times, to practice and live as instructed and seen in the New Testament. Since we only have examples of Christians singing in the New Testament, and according to church history, for the first several centuries Christians simply sang, we choose to follow that teaching and example. If you are new, don’t worry if you don’t know the songs or even if you think you can’t sing; there is a lot of encouragement in everyone taking part together.